North American Diatom Symposium

NADS 2024 Meeting: Registration

Registration information is coming soon!

Welcome to the 2024 NADS Symposium at Iowa Lakeside Laboratory near Milford, Iowa. Lodging, dining, and the meeting venue will be at Iowa Lakeside Laboratory. Lakeside lodging will be first come, other lodging venues are available in the nearby towns of Spirit Lake, Milford, and Arnolds Park, Iowa. Camping on the grounds is also available.

Conference Registration

Includes all conference activities including welcome mixer, meals (3 breakfast, 3 lunch, 2 dinner), and coffee breaks.

Registration                                        $ 300
Student registration                            $   75
Late registration                                  $ 350
Late student registration                     $ 125
Cancellation fee                                  $   50

Conference deadlines
Registration                                        1 August
Abstract submission                           15 August
Lakeside accommodation                   15 August      
Late registration                                  11 September
Cancellation                                        25 September

Limited accommodations are available at Lakeside. Register early to get your first choice!

The Dandy: Share with a diatomist (4 nights)            $ 260
The Gibson: Cabin with others (4 nights)                    $ 60
The Go to Hell Form: Dormitory (4 nights)                  $ 80
Campylodiscus:  2 bedrooms and bathroom             $ 400
Stephanocyclus: 2 bedrooms and bathroom             $ 400
Camp no discus: bring your own tent, etc.                  $ 10